Amarie McDuffie
Short Bio
-My First Business-
Children’s Business Fair
I was 9 years old when I participated in the children’s business fair at the Adams Mark Hotel. It was my first experience as an entrepreneur. I sold out of all my products and won an award. From there I produced and sold Amarie’s Chocolate Treats for several years. Police officers may enjoy chocolate more than donuts as they were my main customers. My father plans on restarting the business with a different name so that my two little sisters can get involved as well.

2021 & 2022
-Community Service-
Free Face Painting
Leading Juneteenth March
Every year each police station in the city of Buffalo NY does a free community day for the public. C district community day is usually the largest out of all of them. I provided free face painting services for 2021 and 2022 community day. It was fun and a very good experience. I learned to put ice under my paint to stop it from melting in the sun. I painted dozens of smiling faces. June of 2022 I helped carry the banner in leading the Afro-American Police Association during the Juneteenth parade. It was a very fun experience as the community cheered us on while leading the police marching behind us.

2017 - Present
Art, Writing & Entrepreneurship
Since the age of 8 years old i’ve been writing and creating art. I wrote and illustrated three books when I was 9 years old. Two of those ebooks are currently posted on my website. With that said, art has been my main passion. I began learning by watching YouTube videos. I then began taking online art courses after I convinced my parents to purchase them. I currently have my own website called Author Artista and my own online art store with my art and books posted for sale.
In addition to that, I am currently in training at my fathers marketing and web design company. As a result, I built my own e-commerce store and will be handling the majority of the tasks in my art businesses. I am learning how to properly use social media as an ad agency and learning my fathers style of web design. Lastly, I have been assigned Ulinger’s Maple Farm as my first client account of oversee for the company.

Hobbies & Activities
If you know me, you know art is my thing. However, I also enjoy sports, gaming, reading, music, working out with my dad and shopping. My favorite games are Call of Duty and Fortnight. Yes, I am pretty good at Call of Duty. I have been on the soccer, basketball and track team. So far track & field is my favorite sport to play. My parents took me to my first real concert when I was 12 years old. It was a Machine Gun Kelly concert. My mother and I are serious fans of MGK. We stayed overnight in Syracuse. I thought I was cool as there weren’t many kids there. My father then became an MGK fan after seeing him perform. As a result, I went to my second Machine Gun Kelly concert at his home town in Cleveland. There were over 50k people there. I had a great time! I read a lot. My reading list is much too large to list here. I have been going to the gym with my dad for a few years now and really enjoy lifting weights as well. Of course I enjoy talking and hanging with friends and a bunch of stuff in between.