Children's Business Fair Award Winner!

Welcome To My Site

Art, Web Design, Marketing & Everything Creative 

Everything Creative

Creativity Doesn't Have to Be Complicated. Express Yourself in Your Own Way!

Amarie McDuffie | Marketing Trainee at McDuffie Marketing LLC
Amarie McDuffie

Artist, Web Designer, Athlete, Marketing Expert

As a result of having a creative and entrepreneurial spirit, I’ve been drawing, writing and selling products since the age of seven. I wrote and illustrated my own ebooks when I was ten years old, created and sold chocolate covered treats which led me to win the Children’s Business Fair, and worked at an art camp teaching children how to create art in various mediums.

In addition to having an artistic skillset, I have been fully trained as a marketing & web design specialist while assisting my father’s agency. As a high school sophomore, I am active on my school’s basketball & track team. I look forward to my remaining years leading to college and continuing to grow my business. Please consider taking a look at all of my products and services. Thank very much for your support. 

Art | Web Design | Athletics

Support My Work

As a young artist/entrepreneur, your donation will allow me to market, purchase equipment, and training needed to grow my brand worldwide.

Unlike the vast majority of online art, my pieces are not reprinted or recreated. Therefore, all the art you see in my online store is unique to the buyer and one of a kind. Donate by purchasing one of my art pieces. 

Amarie McDuffie

Bawling Beauty

This is one of my latest creations at the age of 12 years old. Painted in acrylic & created on a flat canvas board.

This painting was inspired by pop art. Pop art is based on modern popular culture and the mass media. This category of artwork normally consists of colors of high contrast. 

Amarie McDuffie

Artist & Writer Since Age Seven

I wrote this book at the age of nine, making it one of the first books I’ve ever written. This book started my passion for writing and illustrating books, bringing out my sense of humor allowing me to showcase it to whomever read my books.

Amarie McDuffie

Into The Vortex

This piece contains astonishing detail and is a truly hypnotizing piece. This creation has character, as it was created while I was 11 years old. Done in ink on a large stretch canvas.

Support My Journey

Support My Journey

Art & Writing

Web Design
